What Are The Must-See Sites At Pearl Harbor With Viator?

Pearl Harbor, a historic landmark known for its pivotal role in World War II, is a must-visit destination when in Hawaii. If you’re planning a trip to this iconic site, Viator is here to ensure you make the most of your visit. From the somber USS Arizona Memorial to the informative exhibits at the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center, Viator offers an immersive experience that allows you to understand the significance of this historic location. With Viator’s expert guides and convenient transportation options, exploring the must-see sites at Pearl Harbor has never been easier. Step back in time and discover the stories that shaped the course of history with Viator at Pearl Harbor.

The USS Arizona Memorial


The USS Arizona Memorial is undoubtedly one of the most iconic and emotionally charged attractions at Pearl Harbor. This majestic memorial stands as a tribute to the 1,177 crew members who tragically lost their lives during the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The memorial, which was built over the remains of the USS Arizona battleship, offers visitors a chance to pay their respects and learn about the history of World War II.

Historical significance

The USS Arizona Memorial holds immense historical significance, as it serves as a powerful reminder of the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor that propelled the United States into World War II. The sinking of the USS Arizona is one of the most tragic events of that fateful day, and the memorial provides a poignant experience that honors the lives lost and the sacrifices made by those who served on the ship.

Visitor information

To visit the USS Arizona Memorial, it is essential to make advanced reservations, as this popular attraction tends to get fully booked quickly. The memorial is accessible via a short boat ride, and it is recommended to arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled tour time. The visitor center provides valuable information and exhibits that help visitors gain a deeper understanding of the attack and its aftermath. Remember to be respectful when visiting the memorial, as it is a place of remembrance and reflection.

The USS Missouri


The USS Missouri, also known as the “Mighty Mo,” is a battleship that played a significant role in World War II, the Korean War, and the Gulf War. This enormous vessel is now anchored at Ford Island in Pearl Harbor and serves as a museum. Visitors can explore its decks, stand on the exact spot where the Japanese surrender was signed, and learn about the ship’s illustrious history.

Historical significance

The USS Missouri holds immense historical importance due to its involvement in key moments of World War II. It was on the deck of this battleship that the Japanese formally surrendered, marking the end of the war. The significance of this event cannot be overstated, and the USS Missouri stands as a symbol of victory and peace.

Visitor information

Visiting the USS Missouri is a unique opportunity to step aboard a living piece of history. The ship offers a variety of guided tours, allowing visitors to uncover the secrets of this mighty vessel. Exploring the decks and witnessing the exact spot where the surrender took place is an awe-inspiring experience. The museum on board features fascinating exhibits that delve deep into the ship’s history and the events it witnessed. Visitors are advised to wear comfortable shoes, as they may cover a considerable amount of ground during their tour.

The USS Bowfin Submarine Museum


Located adjacent to the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center, the USS Bowfin Submarine Museum is a treasure trove for history enthusiasts, particularly those interested in naval warfare. This museum offers visitors a chance to explore the USS Bowfin, a World War II submarine, and gain insights into the life of submariners who served during that time.

Historical significance

The USS Bowfin played a crucial role in the Pacific theater of World War II. This formidable submarine completed nine successful war patrols, sinking numerous enemy vessels. The museum offers visitors a glimpse into the intense conditions and challenges faced by the crew members during their missions and acts as a testament to their bravery.

Visitor information

Visiting the USS Bowfin Submarine Museum provides a unique and immersive experience. The self-guided tour allows visitors to navigate through the submarine and discover its inner workings. The museum also features an impressive collection of artifacts and exhibits, showcasing the history of submarine warfare. For an in-depth understanding, considering opting for an audio guide. Don’t forget to allocate ample time to explore this remarkable museum and gain a newfound appreciation for the sacrifices made by submariners.

The Pacific Aviation Museum


Aviation enthusiasts will be in awe at the Pacific Aviation Museum, located on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor. This expansive facility showcases a vast collection of aircraft and exhibits that highlight the aviation history of Pearl Harbor and its significance in World War II.

Historical significance

Pearl Harbor played a pivotal role in aviation history, serving as a base for air operations during World War II. The Pacific Aviation Museum helps preserve this history by showcasing iconic aircraft and artifacts. The museum also tells the stories of the brave pilots who flew these planes and showcases the technological advancements of the time.

Visitor information

Exploring the Pacific Aviation Museum is a memorable experience for aviation enthusiasts and history buffs alike. The museum offers guided tours that provide in-depth knowledge about the exhibits and the historical context. Visitors can witness fully restored aircraft, including some that were present during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Be sure to allocate sufficient time to explore the museum’s two hangars and immerse yourself in the rich aviation history of this landmark.

The Battleship Row


Battleship Row refers to the area in Pearl Harbor where the US Pacific Fleet’s battleships were moored prior to the attack on December 7, 1941. This cluster of battleships, including the USS Arizona, USS Missouri, and others, became the primary targets of the Japanese attack.

Historical significance

The attack on Battleship Row marked the beginning of the United States’ involvement in World War II. The devastation caused by the Japanese air raid resulted in the sinking of several battleships and the loss of numerous lives. Battleship Row symbolizes the strength and resilience of the American people, as they united to overcome this tragedy and eventually emerge victorious.

Visitor information

While the battleships themselves are major attractions, exploring the area known as Battleship Row allows visitors to grasp the scale and impact of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The opportunity to stand where history was made is deeply moving and offers a chance for introspection. Visitors can walk along the waterfront and witness the remnants of the sunken battleships, paying tribute to the brave men and women who served on them.

The Pearl Harbor Visitor Center


At the heart of the Pearl Harbor Historic Sites is the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center. This comprehensive facility serves as a gateway to the various attractions within the area and aims to educate and inform visitors about the events of December 7, 1941, and the significance of Pearl Harbor in World War II.

Historical significance

The Pearl Harbor Visitor Center plays a vital role in preserving and sharing the history of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Through exhibits, videos, and artifacts, the center offers a comprehensive overview of the events leading up to the attack, the attack itself, and the aftermath. It serves as a place of education, remembrance, and respect.

Visitor information

The Pearl Harbor Visitor Center is an essential starting point for anyone visiting the historic sites at Pearl Harbor. Here, visitors can obtain tickets, information, and orientation about the various attractions. The center features a theater that screens a documentary providing valuable insights into the attack. Exploring the exhibits and reflecting on the enormity of the events that unfolded makes for a meaningful and enlightening experience.

The Road to War Museum


The Road to War Museum offers visitors a comprehensive understanding of the historical events and geopolitical tensions that led to the attack on Pearl Harbor. This educational museum provides valuable insights into the politics, military strategy, and international relations that shaped the course of World War II.

Historical significance

The events that unfolded in the years leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor were instrumental in shaping the world as we know it today. The Road to War Museum sheds light on these factors, helping visitors comprehend the complexities of the conflict and the global reverberations it caused. Understanding this context is crucial for a complete appreciation of the significance of Pearl Harbor.

Visitor information

A visit to the Road to War Museum offers visitors the opportunity to delve deep into the historical background of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The museum’s exhibits provide informative displays, including interactive media and artifacts, that help visitors grasp the intricate web of events leading up to the attack. History enthusiasts and those seeking a comprehensive understanding of World War II will find this museum particularly engaging.

The Submarine Museum and Park


Located near the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center, the Submarine Museum and Park showcases the vital role that submarines played in World War II. This immersive museum offers visitors the chance to explore authentic submarines and learn about the arduous life of submariners.

Historical significance

Submarines played a significant role in naval warfare during World War II, and the museum aims to honor the bravery and sacrifices of submariners. The exhibits and artifacts give visitors an insight into the intense conditions of underwater warfare and the strategic importance of submarine operations.

Visitor information

Exploring the Submarine Museum and Park is an opportunity to step into the shoes of submariners and gain a unique perspective on World War II. The museum offers visitors the chance to explore submarines on-site, providing a glimpse into the cramped quarters and complex technology used during wartime. Knowledgeable guides are available to answer questions and offer a deeper understanding of submarine warfare. This museum is a must-visit for those looking to explore the often-unsung contributions of submariners in World War II.

The Pacific Submarine Memorial


The Pacific Submarine Memorial is a tribute to the submariners lost in the Pacific Ocean during World War II. This serene and contemplative memorial offers visitors a chance to pay their respects and reflect on the sacrifices made by these brave men.

Historical significance

Submariners played a crucial role in the Pacific theater of World War II, undertaking dangerous missions with unwavering dedication. The Pacific Submarine Memorial serves as a reminder of their bravery and the sacrifices they made to ensure the safety and success of the United States. It stands as a testament to their unwavering commitment to duty.

Visitor information

The Pacific Submarine Memorial offers visitors a serene and peaceful space to reflect and honor the submariners who gave their lives in service to their country. The memorial is located within a picturesque park setting, and visitors are encouraged to take a moment to pause and remember the sacrifices made. Many visitors find the peacefulness of the memorial to be a deeply moving experience, allowing for personal reflection and remembrance.

The Pearl Harbor Historic Sites


Pearl Harbor is an iconic destination that offers a wealth of historical sites and experiences. The Pearl Harbor Historic Sites encompass a range of attractions, each showcasing a unique aspect of the events that unfolded on that fateful day in 1941.

Historical significance

Pearl Harbor holds immense historical significance as the site of the surprise attack that propelled the United States into World War II. The events of December 7, 1941, forever changed the course of history and continue to be remembered as a defining moment in American history. The Pearl Harbor Historic Sites aim to preserve and share the stories, artifacts, and experiences associated with this pivotal event.

Visitor information

When visiting the Pearl Harbor Historic Sites, it is important to plan ahead and allocate sufficient time to explore the various attractions. Advanced reservations are highly recommended, as many of the sites have limited capacity. Visitors should also consider joining guided tours or utilizing audio guides to enhance their experience and gain a deeper understanding of the historical context. Remember to be respectful and mindful of the solemnity and significance of the sites, as they serve as reminders of the sacrifice and valor of those who served during World War II.