Taking a Flight with SCAT Airlines to Kazakhstan

Taking a flight with SCAT Airlines to Kazakhstan may not be the most comfortable experience, but it holds a significant place in the narrator’s career as a YouTuber. Bracing themselves for narrow seats, limited legroom, and broken or collapsed seats, the narrator boarded a 32-year-old Boeing 737-300 aircraft for a two-hour and 24-minute flight from Istanbul to Kazakhstan. Upon arrival, the narrator discovered that not much had changed since their last visit, including the lack of a transit path in Akhtar, the outdated airport terminal, and the confusion about gate numbers. Despite these challenges, the flight with SCAT Airways was smoother than expected, and the narrator intended to do a review, only to find out that the airline no longer provides meals and only offers a bottle of water.

During the descent into Almaty, the narrator enjoyed the stunning scenery but expressed disappointment with SCAT Airways’ overall experience, including tight seats, the poor condition of the aircraft, and rude service. As an alternative, the author recommended considering other airlines like Air Astana for a more comfortable journey. Nevertheless, the narrator expressed gratitude towards their Patrons for supporting their videos, acknowledging the role SCAT Airlines played in their journey as a YouTuber.

Introduction to SCAT Airlines

Welcome to this article about SCAT Airlines! In this friendly guide, we will explore the significance of SCAT Airlines in the narrator’s career and provide a comprehensive overview of their recent flight experience with the airline.

Significance of SCAT Airlines in the narrator’s career

For the narrator, SCAT Airlines holds a special place in their heart as it played a significant role in their career as a YouTuber. About four years ago, the narrator made a life-changing decision to leave their IT job and pursue their dream of creating YouTube videos full-time. With just a month’s wages and a ticket to Kazakhstan, the narrator embarked on an adventure to make videos in hopes of generating enough income to sustain themselves. It was during this trip that they filmed their first video on SCAT Airlines, which performed exceptionally well. Thanks to the success of that video and others filmed during that trip, the narrator was able to continue creating content, leading them to where they are today.

Flight Delay

The narrator’s recent flight with SCAT Airlines started off with a one-hour delay. While waiting to check-in at Istanbul International Airport, they received an email notifying them of the delay. Although the delay was slightly inconvenient, they maintained their excitement for the upcoming “kazakh adventure.”

Boarding the Boeing 737-300 Aircraft

As the narrator moved through the airport to board their flight, they noticed a line forming. Wondering if they were going to their destination that night, they quickly realized that the flight was still on schedule. Finally, at the gate, they saw their ride to Kazakhstan, a 32-year-old Boeing 737-300 aircraft. Although SCAT Airlines had added newer planes to their fleet, the narrator was nostalgic about flying on this classic aircraft.

Uncomfortable Flight Experience

Once on board the aircraft, the narrator noticed some changes in the seating. The old leather seats gave the cabin an 80s vibe, and the legroom remained from their previous experience – extremely cramped. With a six-hour flight ahead of them, the narrator anticipated the discomfort they would face. The seats were narrow, and even when trying to put the armrest down, there was barely enough room. They shared their concern about the lack of space and speculated that their knees would not appreciate the experience.

Broken or Collapsed Seats

To their dismay, the narrator discovered multiple broken or collapsed seats on the flight. They couldn’t find a seat that functioned properly, and it added to their discomfort. It was disheartening to see the state of the seats on the aircraft, considering it was a 32-year-old plane.

Flight Path: Istanbul to Kazakhstan

The flight with SCAT Airlines took off from Istanbul and headed towards Kazakhstan, crossing the scenic Black Sea and Caspian Sea. The narrator admired the beauty of the flight path and appreciated the opportunity to witness such stunning scenery from the air. The flight duration lasted two hours and 24 minutes, providing enough time to soak in the picturesque views.

Arrival in Kazakhstan

Upon arrival in Kazakhstan, the narrator had a connection at Aktau Airport. To their disappointment, they found that not much had changed since their last visit four years ago. There was still no transit path in Aktau, forcing them to exit the airport and go through security again. This inconvenience added an extra layer of stress to their journey.

Connection at Aktau Airport

The lack of a transit path at Aktau Airport proved to be a significant inconvenience for the narrator. They were required to exit the airport, go through security, and then make their way back to the gate for their connecting flight. This extra step made the connecting process time-consuming and tiring.

Lack of Transit Path in Aktau

The narrator reminisced about spending the night on a bench at the airport during their previous visit to Kazakhstan. With no updates to the airport terminal, they hoped for improvements on this trip. Unfortunately, they did not find any updates or enhancements, leaving them disappointed with the lack of progress.

No Updates to Airport Terminal

The lack of updates to the airport terminal was a prominent issue for the narrator. Their expectations of improvements were not met, and they were left to reflect on their previous experience of spending a night on a bench. The unchanged terminal did not provide a positive impression of the airport’s progress.

Exiting the Airport and Going through Security

After exiting the airport, the narrator had to go through security again before boarding their next flight. The repetitive process was frustrating, but they understood it was necessary to ensure everyone’s safety. Despite the inconvenience, they hoped for a smoother experience going forward.

Confusion with Gate Numbers

At Aktau Airport, there was confusion regarding the gate numbers. People lined up without clear instructions, creating a chaotic scene. The lack of organization made the boarding process challenging and left the narrator feeling unsure about their next steps. They needed clarity and guidance to proceed smoothly.

Boarding the Same Plane from Istanbul

To their surprise, the narrator realized that they would be boarding the same plane they flew in from Istanbul. Reflecting on their expectations for a more comfortable seat, they realized it might not be possible. Nevertheless, they hoped for a better experience on this leg of the journey.

Hoping for a More Comfortable Seat

Given the discomfort they experienced on the previous flight, the narrator hoped for a more comfortable seat this time. Although they were boarding the same plane, they wished to find a seat that offered more space and legroom. The anticipation for a more pleasant experience was palpable.

Comparison of the Second Flight Experience

As the narrator settled into their seat for the second flight, they compared it to the previous experience. Despite being on the same aircraft with limited legroom, they found the flight with SCAT Airways smoother. The familiarity of the aircraft allowed them to focus more on the overall flight experience rather than the discomfort of the seats.

Problem with Reviewing SCAT Airways

The narrator had initially planned to review SCAT Airways during the flight. However, they encountered a problem along the way, preventing them from doing so. With limited meal service and only a bottle of water being offered, they realized they would not be able to provide a comprehensive review. Nonetheless, they made note of the limited options available.

Limited Meal Service

SCAT Airways no longer provided meals on their flights, which was a change from the narrator’s previous experience. The limited meal service consisted of only a bottle of water. This reduction in service might have disappointed some passengers expecting a more substantial meal option.

Merchandise Availability

The narrator mentioned the availability of merchandise related to SCAT Airways and other content on a website. They highlighted the opportunity for passengers and fans to explore and support the airline in different ways. Although they couldn’t provide a detailed review, they encouraged others to check out the merchandise and content available.

Descent into Almaty

As the flight descended into Almaty, the capital of Kazakhstan, the narrator marveled at the stunning scenery. The view from the plane provided a breathtaking display of natural beauty, leaving the narrator in awe. It was a captivating experience that added a positive element to an otherwise disappointing journey.

Overall Disappointment with SCAT Airways

Despite the significance of SCAT Airlines in the narrator’s career, they couldn’t help but express their overall disappointment with the airline. The tight seats, poor condition of the aircraft, and rude service left a negative impression. Although the narrator appreciated the opportunity to fly with SCAT Airways again, they concluded that the experience did not meet their expectations.

Tight Seats and Poor Aircraft Condition

The major areas of disappointment for the narrator were the tight seats and the poor condition of the aircraft. The cramped seating made the flights incredibly uncomfortable, while the broken or collapsed seats added to the discomfort. The narrator expected a more pleasant experience, especially considering the significant time spent on the aircraft.

Rude Service

The narrator didn’t have positive things to say about the service they received from SCAT Airways. They encountered rude behavior, which contributed to their disappointment. The lack of polite and respectful interactions with the flight and cabin crew further dampened the overall experience.

Suggestion of Air Astana as an Alternative

Given their dissatisfaction with SCAT Airways, the narrator suggested considering another airline, Air Astana, as an alternative. This recommendation was based on the narrator’s personal experience and the hope for a more enjoyable and pleasant journey. They encouraged travelers to explore different airline options to find the one that suits their needs.

Acknowledging Patrons’ Support

In closing, the narrator expressed gratitude towards their Patrons for supporting their videos. They acknowledged the importance of their viewers and the impact they have had on their journey as a YouTuber. The narrator recognized that their success would not have been possible without the support of their Patrons.


In conclusion, the narrator’s recent flight experience with SCAT Airlines was a mix of disappointment and appreciation. Despite the discomfort, broken seats, and rude service, the narrator recognized the significance of SCAT Airlines in their career. They acknowledged the beautiful flight path, stunning scenery, and the nostalgia associated with the airline. However, the overall experience fell short of their expectations. They hoped for improvements in seat comfort, aircraft condition, and customer service. With the suggestion of Air Astana as an alternative, the narrator closed by expressing their gratitude to their Patrons and the impact they have had on their journey as a content creator.